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Winter Knick-Knacks

4,433 Downloads 72 Thanks  Thanks 34 Favourited 5,836 Views
Uploaded: 28th Dec 2015 at 8:45 AM
The more winter knick-knacks the merrier!

Three stencils.
One recolorable channel
Decor >Miscellaneous Decor
Living Room/Bedroom/Study >Miscellaneous Decor

Sea star Santa
Let's not forget sims that live in warmer climates during the winter.
One recolorable channel, the base.
Decor > Miscellaneous Decor
Living Room/Bedroom/Study >Miscellaneous Decor

Sea star Santa Wall Hanging
Nonrecolorable, but has many different color presets available.
Decor >Miscellaneous Decor
Living Room/Bedroom/Study >Miscellaneous Decor

Not the best looking snowman. I need to figure out how to make things smoother looking. ^-^; But I included him anyway.
Two recolorable channels.
Decor >Miscellaneous Decor
Living Room/Bedroom/Study >Miscellaneous Decor

Polygon Counts:
Sea star Santa - 636 vertices, 892 faces
Sea star Santa wall hanging - 612 vertices, 880 faces
Sleigh decor - 1065 vertices, 678 faces
Snowman decor - 945 vertices, 486 faces

Additional Credits:
Starfish from Sims 2 Bon Voyage