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Mad Poster
#1101 Old 28th Dec 2020 at 6:22 PM
There are all TS2 Maxis neighborhoods with all furnished lots but without any sim: https://modthesims.info/d/615468/cl...-templates.html
#1102 Old 29th Dec 2020 at 2:43 AM
Thanks, I've downloaded the empty Sims neighborhoods. Wait, Veronaville is meant for two families, not three, right?

My current character in the CK3 run is Empress Lucia of Italy (Family/Popularity/Leo). To help populate the world, I'll also add her two strongest neighbors, Emperor Leon of France (Fortune/Pleasure/Virgo) and Basileus Gabriel (Knowledge/Romance/Aquarius). I came to the aspiration/sign combinations based on their traits in the game.

Though thinking about all of her ancestors, maybe she's not the most interesting choice for a founder Sim?

1/8/2016: New avatar! Pre-censored for EA's approval.
3/19/2015: Teens are too close to YAs. EA needs to either shorten the teens, or add preteens and make YAs look older.
Mad Poster
#1103 Old 31st Dec 2020 at 4:32 AM
Quote: Originally posted by DrChillgood
Thanks, I've downloaded the empty Sims neighborhoods. Wait, Veronaville is meant for two families, not three, right?

Maxis' original Veronaville has three families: the extended feuding households of the Capp and Monty families, plus the Summerdream household.
Forum Resident
#1104 Old 13th Jan 2021 at 12:12 PM
So I'm playing with Pleasantsims' Fairplay neighbourhood, which is basically Pleasantview but genderbent, so the characters (while they did develop some differences) are pretty much the same. And I (of course) ran into some potential drama, however I'm not too sure I want to play it out this time.

Basically, Didi (Dirk) is engaged to Leon (Lilith), but while he's in love with her, it's not mutual, and she doesn't even have a crush on him, because they have only one bolt of chemistry. However, Nick (Nina) met Didi this one time, and turns out they have three bolts of chemistry. They've been talking, but nothing's started (yet?)

And now I'm not sure what to do, I don't think Didi would marry Leon bc she's not in love with him, but I also don't think she would want to break his heart by breaking up or even worse, leaving him at the altar, and I also don't really think she would run off with Nick since that would also be very mean to Leon (and also she's mostly focused on working her way up in the medical career), but that three bolt chemistry is just something I don't think I can ignore...

So yeah, what do you guys think I should do with them? I really don't have ideas. I guess I'm just not the storyteller I used to be...
#1105 Old 13th Jan 2021 at 1:21 PM
Quote: Originally posted by sugoisama

Basically, Didi (Dirk) is engaged to Leon (Lilith), but while he's in love with her, it's not mutual, and she doesn't even have a crush on him, because they have only one bolt of chemistry.

How did you manage to do that? I've never been able to create a one-sided love through normal gameplay? And how did she accept his engagement without being in love with him? Or is that how that version of the neighborhood starts out?

As to what to do with them. If you don't want to hurt any of the involved Sims you could make a sotryline where Didi and Leon "talk it out" and Didi confesses that while she probably values him as a friend,s he's not in love with Leon. (for egnagement breakup without drama, you can u se the "Amicable Breakup" mod here (all the way down): https://midge-the-tree.livejournal.com/20926.html
Maybe Didi even has a friend she could introduce to Leon? Or you could create an additional character who fills that role?

Avatar by MasterRed
Taking an extended break from Sims stuff. Might be around, might not.
Field Researcher
#1106 Old 13th Jan 2021 at 8:43 PM
Quote: Originally posted by sugoisama
And now I'm not sure what to do, I don't think Didi would marry Leon bc she's not in love with him, but I also don't think she would want to break his heart by breaking up or even worse, leaving him at the altar, and I also don't really think she would run off with Nick since that would also be very mean to Leon (and also she's mostly focused on working her way up in the medical career), but that three bolt chemistry is just something I don't think I can ignore....

I'd probably break them up. Better now than a few sim-years down the road.
Mad Poster
#1107 Old 14th Jan 2021 at 3:52 AM
I'd probably ignore the chemistry, or tinker with turn-ons and turn-offs. Nick's romance, presumably has the romance perk for extra boltage, so it's only two bolts anyway, probably, really. And how likely is he to be faithful? (Orphalesion, I've had romancemod+ACR induced events like this: Crystal married Lazlo in a pseudo-Victorian neighborhood because people *thought* he'd compromised her and it was the 'right' thing to do. She never loved him, but he loved her. The right-or wrong-bunch of mods can lead to romantic interactions without love.)

Didi lost her dad, right? And Leon's parents still broke up? Or at least had drama about cheating. I'd think they'd both go for a stable, friendly relationship with less passion over something that would (potentially) blow up in their faces later. And Didi might just view Nick as being too sexy for her, you know. Someone who's a 'ten' to her 'six', and wouldn't stay with her (leaving aside whether either assessment is correct, here). But I'd start by messing with turn-ons and turn-offs, because I've never had Lil and Dirk not have two bolts with the right turn-ons, so I think you can get them a bit more passionate if you want.

Pics from my game: Sunbee's Simblr Sunbee's Livejournal
"English is a marvelous edged weapon if you know how to wield it." C.J. Cherryh
Forum Resident
#1108 Old 14th Jan 2021 at 8:01 AM
Oh, the one-sided feelings happened because I have a mod (not completely sure what, though) that makes it so that sims with low chemistry have a hard time getting a crush and falling in love, as for how she even accepted the proposal is beyond me.

You know what, you might be onto something with the chemistry, Lilith and Dirk are also at least two bolts in my game. I think that might have something to do with Pleasantview having mis-matched zodiac signs which boost their chemistry, and these sims having correct ones, which do not. I didn't really want to change their turn-ons because they were picked by an actual person, so I thought they're "canon", but I honestly might just do that, since I never played this ship out. And you might be right about the whole "Nick is too much for Didi" thing, they're very much two seperate worlds.
Mad Poster
#1109 Old 15th Jan 2021 at 5:46 AM
@sugoisama as base game sims, even gender swapped clones, they don't have canon turn-ons per se, so I wouldn't personally feel any hesitation to change them. And you could always go at it from the other side, depending on what exactly the turn-ons and offs are: maybe Leon doesn't want Didi to be so married to her job (high level career turn-off) and once she reaches the top she decides to retire young? A lot of those are mutable, after all.

Pics from my game: Sunbee's Simblr Sunbee's Livejournal
"English is a marvelous edged weapon if you know how to wield it." C.J. Cherryh
Field Researcher
#1110 Old 13th Feb 2021 at 7:27 AM
Sue Iana is pregnant. She and her husband Luis already have four children, the third of which (Freddy) is the product of an affair Luis had. After some back and forth splitting his time between the Ianas and his mother for the last couple of years, Freddy is now living with them full time again, after a traumatic day where he ended up shooting his mother after she tried to make him kill the man she said was responsible for her late partner's death. Added to this, Luis has a quickly developing gambling problem, and recently slept with an old college friend on her rotation.

So perhaps now is not the best time for a baby! Sue is vaguely aware she's probably pregnant, but hasn't given it much thought yet because all her focus has been on Freddy. Luis doesn't know yet. So where do we go from here?

Sue could have a termination, but that would go down like a lead balloon with Luis, who doesn't believe in abortion (in fact, the cause of his first breakup with Freddy's mother was that she told him "I was pregnant, but don't worry, I dealt with it").

Stress induced miscarrige, perhaps?

We could do "Sue goes away to 'look after a sick relative' and has the baby adopted" but that seems unlikely because Sue really wouldn't want to leave Freddy at the moment, and the baby would need to be adopted by someone in town, and I can't really think of anybody.

Or she has the baby, and we deal with population explosion, and this family trying to manage a new baby along with everything else they've got to deal with at the moment.


♫Cuz I don't have a home in this life, I have to roam. Got nowhere to lay my head, so I'll follow you instead, and set my gaze on the place I'm going to. Til then I'm homeless, but I'll roam with you...♫

My Simblr: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com
Forum Resident
#1111 Old 13th Feb 2021 at 1:59 PM
Personally, I'd definitely keep the baby. I usually don't play with pregnancy terminating mods, but I feel like an unwanted pregnancy like this could spice up the story. Maybe the new baby could be a wake-up call to Luis to pull himself together?
Mad Poster
#1112 Old 13th Feb 2021 at 5:40 PM
It would make little difference what they did with the baby in my game because even being alrted to an unplanned pregnacy and ending it or giving the baby up for adoption can still serve as a wake up call for them to get their lives together and straighten themselves out if they want to raise any more children.
Mad Poster
#1113 Old 13th Feb 2021 at 8:04 PM
Quote: Originally posted by sugoisama
Personally, I'd definitely keep the baby. I usually don't play with pregnancy terminating mods, but I feel like an unwanted pregnancy like this could spice up the story. Maybe the new baby could be a wake-up call to Luis to pull himself together?

Excuse me, you really think a family in which one kid recently shot his biological mother on accident while she was trying to get him to commit a murder needs spicing up? This household's already pretty much at ghost pepper!

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
Mad Poster
#1114 Old 13th Feb 2021 at 8:15 PM
Sue wouldn't have an abortion, and I don't think (I'm not entirely up on your story) that she'd give the baby up, either. She considered booting Luis, right? But never Freddy.

Luis, though, has such a history of making Really Bad Choices. I wonder if for him this might be the final straw in his marriage. Would he think (wrongly, of course) that Sue got knocked up to get even with him/keep him from his affair and do something Sue could never forgive? (And she's forgiven an awful lot.)

Pics from my game: Sunbee's Simblr Sunbee's Livejournal
"English is a marvelous edged weapon if you know how to wield it." C.J. Cherryh
Field Researcher
#1115 Old 13th Feb 2021 at 8:25 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Sunbee
Sue wouldn't have an abortion, and I don't think (I'm not entirely up on your story) that she'd give the baby up, either. She considered booting Luis, right? But never Freddy.

Luis, though, has such a history of making Really Bad Choices. I wonder if for him this might be the final straw in his marriage. Would he think (wrongly, of course) that Sue got knocked up to get even with him/keep him from his affair and do something Sue could never forgive? (And she's forgiven an awful lot.)

I do think the default reaction from both of them would be to keep the baby, but I do think Sue at least would wonder whether it would be the best thing for everyone, especially with everything Freddy's going through right now. I don't much fancy figuring out who has to share a room again since the kids have just got their own rooms. Although perhaps Freddy won't want to sleep alone and he and Jose could share again...

I'm also now trying to figure out exactly what Luis could do that Sue wouldn't forgive. Considering she's forgiven him for lying to her and cheating on her for the first five years of their marriage, including carrying on his affair long after he'd told her it was over, and the child who was the product of that affair coming to live with them... I think she would really struggle to forgive him if he did something that hurt the children or put them in danger, but I also don't think Luis would do something like that because, despite his (many) faults, he is a fairly good dad. At least, he wouldn't do something intentionally...

♫Cuz I don't have a home in this life, I have to roam. Got nowhere to lay my head, so I'll follow you instead, and set my gaze on the place I'm going to. Til then I'm homeless, but I'll roam with you...♫

My Simblr: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com
#1116 Old 14th Feb 2021 at 1:26 AM
I immediately thought Sue would be overwhelmed if she was for real - and I mean that the way health professionals use the word, she'd be burnt out. And burnt out people tend to put off or avoid big decisions until they no longer have a choice, even if they can sort of tell that staying passive could make their situation even worse. So from that perspective I thought the most logical thing storywise would be to let the baby be born.
I must be getting old and sappy, though - I feel like rescuing the whole lot of them and planting them in AndrewGloria's Veronaville, far from all real life dangers and darkness .
Mad Poster
#1117 Old 14th Feb 2021 at 7:12 AM
Quote: Originally posted by AnMal
I must be getting old and sappy, though - I feel like rescuing the whole lot of them and planting them in AndrewGloria's Veronaville, far from all real life dangers and darkness .
Should we put up a Statue of Liberty at the entrance to the Downtown Creek?
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

All Sims are beautiful -- even the ugly ones.
My Simblr ~~ My LJ
Sims' lives matter!
The Veronaville kids are alright.
Field Researcher
#1118 Old 14th Feb 2021 at 4:30 PM
Quote: Originally posted by AnMal
I immediately thought Sue would be overwhelmed if she was for real - and I mean that the way health professionals use the word, she'd be burnt out. And burnt out people tend to put off or avoid big decisions until they no longer have a choice, even if they can sort of tell that staying passive could make their situation even worse. So from that perspective I thought the most logical thing storywise would be to let the baby be born.
I must be getting old and sappy, though - I feel like rescuing the whole lot of them and planting them in AndrewGloria's Veronaville, far from all real life dangers and darkness .

This makes a lot of sense. I can easily see it playing out like this. I think part of the issue (for me, anyway) is that I've already played Sue's best friend's house this rotation and forgot about Sue being pregnant, otherwise they could've hung out and talked about it. There isn't anyone now before I actually play this family that they would talk to about it.

♫Cuz I don't have a home in this life, I have to roam. Got nowhere to lay my head, so I'll follow you instead, and set my gaze on the place I'm going to. Til then I'm homeless, but I'll roam with you...♫

My Simblr: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com
Mad Poster
#1119 Old 14th Feb 2021 at 5:36 PM
I see relationship drama in other games and mine is the drama of Dodge going through a drought and winter is about to hit the town with supplies being cut off because it might be snowing along the trail the supplies get shipped on.I could see the agon trains shipping supplies to the tpwns out west getting stalled by blizzards further east.I get the drama of the farming towns in the old west in my BACC town of Dodge.
Mad Poster
#1120 Old 14th Feb 2021 at 7:47 PM
Quote: Originally posted by NatteryakToad
I do think the default reaction from both of them would be to keep the baby, but I do think Sue at least would wonder whether it would be the best thing for everyone, especially with everything Freddy's going through right now. I don't much fancy figuring out who has to share a room again since the kids have just got their own rooms. Although perhaps Freddy won't want to sleep alone and he and Jose could share again...

I'm also now trying to figure out exactly what Luis could do that Sue wouldn't forgive. Considering she's forgiven him for lying to her and cheating on her for the first five years of their marriage, including carrying on his affair long after he'd told her it was over, and the child who was the product of that affair coming to live with them... I think she would really struggle to forgive him if he did something that hurt the children or put them in danger, but I also don't think Luis would do something like that because, despite his (many) faults, he is a fairly good dad. At least, he wouldn't do something intentionally...

For Sue, there's the no good options so fall back on basic principles method of getting through. It's not the best, but it would destroy the other kids emotionally if you gave the youngest up for adoption. So grit her teeth and get through it. You can absolutely realistically go with her taking care of the baby because babies need to be taken care of and she must, it would be wrong to not care for the baby, but not actually caring about the baby. "I'll do for this one exactly as I did for the others so this one never knows they aren't loved or wanted." (Let me assure you that, at least for me, the love did come, eventually. Because I'm sure personal experience is showing through there.)

As far as Luis goes, there's also the final straw that breaks the camel's back, or the possibility that she loves him, she forgives him, but she's just too exhausted to keep on dealing with him, so out he goes, so she can focus on the kids and not have to deal with his issues anymore. This is more common in communities with strong divorce taboos in the USA: "Move out, get counseling, talk to the pastor. Let me see real changes and I'll consider taking you back." Doesn't guarantee results, but can function as a wake-up call for some people. For others, it just makes it really clear that they have no intention of changing and ends in divorce anyway.

Pics from my game: Sunbee's Simblr Sunbee's Livejournal
"English is a marvelous edged weapon if you know how to wield it." C.J. Cherryh
Field Researcher
#1121 Old 14th Feb 2021 at 8:32 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Sunbee
For Sue, there's the no good options so fall back on basic principles method of getting through. It's not the best, but it would destroy the other kids emotionally if you gave the youngest up for adoption. So grit her teeth and get through it. You can absolutely realistically go with her taking care of the baby because babies need to be taken care of and she must, it would be wrong to not care for the baby, but not actually caring about the baby. "I'll do for this one exactly as I did for the others so this one never knows they aren't loved or wanted." (Let me assure you that, at least for me, the love did come, eventually. Because I'm sure personal experience is showing through there.)

This is exactly what happened with Freddy - Sue started off taking care of him because he was there, and it didn't sit well with her to leave it all to Luis, or to let the other children see that there was any difference between him and then. It was clear to everyone except Sue long before she'd admit it that she loved Freddy like he was her own, but it took Anna (Freddy's biological mother) reappearing and wanting custody for her to actually say "he's my son" and to start calling him "mijo" like she does Jose, rather than "niño" or "bebe".

Quote: Originally posted by Sunbee
As far as Luis goes, there's also the final straw that breaks the camel's back, or the possibility that she loves him, she forgives him, but she's just too exhausted to keep on dealing with him, so out he goes, so she can focus on the kids and not have to deal with his issues anymore. This is more common in communities with strong divorce taboos in the USA: "Move out, get counseling, talk to the pastor. Let me see real changes and I'll consider taking you back." Doesn't guarantee results, but can function as a wake-up call for some people. For others, it just makes it really clear that they have no intention of changing and ends in divorce anyway.

I don't think Sue's quite there yet. Perhaps if she found out about the gambling and the latest affair (Luis would call it a one night stand, which is perhaps accurate now since he saw Dot on a date with someone else). Which doesn't make it any less bad...

♫Cuz I don't have a home in this life, I have to roam. Got nowhere to lay my head, so I'll follow you instead, and set my gaze on the place I'm going to. Til then I'm homeless, but I'll roam with you...♫

My Simblr: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com
Mad Poster
#1122 Old 15th Feb 2021 at 5:21 AM
This family drama sounds like what some of my gentry sims would've faced with arranged amrriages in my Pleasanview Epic Challenge if they stayed in Europe where they couldn't choose who they married instead of heading out to a new colonial settlement where they would get to chose a spouse.I have some sims comong to my BACC who lived in home backgounds with parents who cheated on each other and were in a broken dyfunctional marriage in childhood and they rebelled against tradition and chose to marry for love instead even if they had to go to America to homestead as pioneers out west in the 1840's or head to the new world to join a colony in the 17th century.
Lab Assistant
#1123 Old 26th Feb 2021 at 12:52 PM
So I was wondering how you guys handle this type of stuff. I'm playing a vanilla Pleasantview right now (I had started one earlier, but didn't get far and I sorta started over). In this one Darren and Nina actually got engaged and I'm very interested in seeing them as a couple and where that would lead. However I'm having some dilemma with the wedding itself. I feel like it would make sense to invite all their friends/family to the wedding but as I just learned that results in disaster, considering Darren made friends with Don at some point. I kind of love the drama, but having a disastrous wedding would kill off the relationship between them (obviously) and I'm still interested to see them as a couple at least for a little bit.. Do you guys avoid inviting "problematic" sims to weddings, even if it would make sense for them to be invited otherwise, in situations like this?
Forum Resident
#1124 Old 26th Feb 2021 at 3:50 PM
Quote: Originally posted by CosmicEcho
So I was wondering how you guys handle this type of stuff. I'm playing a vanilla Pleasantview right now (I had started one earlier, but didn't get far and I sorta started over). In this one Darren and Nina actually got engaged and I'm very interested in seeing them as a couple and where that would lead. However I'm having some dilemma with the wedding itself. I feel like it would make sense to invite all their friends/family to the wedding but as I just learned that results in disaster, considering Darren made friends with Don at some point. I kind of love the drama, but having a disastrous wedding would kill off the relationship between them (obviously) and I'm still interested to see them as a couple at least for a little bit.. Do you guys avoid inviting "problematic" sims to weddings, even if it would make sense for them to be invited otherwise, in situations like this?

If it were me, I would 100% invite every source of drama and just watch the world burn, but obviously you're not the same. Honestly, I think that since this is Darren's second marriage, and since Nina is a bit on the shy side, they might not even hold a big wedding, just one for close family (Dina and Dirk), or just elope without a big ceremony.
Mad Poster
#1125 Old 26th Feb 2021 at 4:42 PM
Quote: Originally posted by CosmicEcho
So I was wondering how you guys handle this type of stuff. I'm playing a vanilla Pleasantview right now (I had started one earlier, but didn't get far and I sorta started over). In this one Darren and Nina actually got engaged and I'm very interested in seeing them as a couple and where that would lead. However I'm having some dilemma with the wedding itself. I feel like it would make sense to invite all their friends/family to the wedding but as I just learned that results in disaster, considering Darren made friends with Don at some point. I kind of love the drama, but having a disastrous wedding would kill off the relationship between them (obviously) and I'm still interested to see them as a couple at least for a little bit.. Do you guys avoid inviting "problematic" sims to weddings, even if it would make sense for them to be invited otherwise, in situations like this?
I would invite them for the drama, but I'm not sure it actually makes sense for Darren and Nina to invite anyone they suspect won't behave themselves. Nina knows she had a thing with Don, and presumably Darren knows too. Would they ask him to come, knowing he's not over Nina and that he might make a scene? And would Don go, knowing he's not ready to see Nina officially move on? If you really wanted him to be there, you could remove the love/crush flags, even just temporarily, so everyone could get through the day without fighting.
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