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Mad Poster
#1251 Old Yesterday at 4:17 PM
There are elements of the Sims 3 store I’d like back.

You could create an entire amusement park in The Sims 3 with the store (across multiple overpriced sets). Casino, Circus, Vehicles… the sets were also highly usable.

Lucky Palms Deluxe is still a great piece of content. Everything was great, including the marketing.

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Test Subject
#1252 Old Yesterday at 6:53 PM
Quote: Originally posted by dikosay77
I'm anticipating the day when they tell us that we can't play the game - not if we do not update - but if we DO NOT PURCHASE ALL THE GPs, EPs, SPs, KITS, and everything else they put out for the game.


Did I just give them an idea?

Sorry. My bad.

This or you're going to need the EA Play subscription.
#1253 Old Yesterday at 7:30 PM
The subscription is the most likely outcome in my eyes. So many things these days are becoming subscriptions. I miss the days I could just, I don't know, own something.

♫ Keeping this here until EA gives us a proper playable woodwind/brass instrument ♫
For now, though, my decorative Bassoon conversion for TS4. =)
Test Subject
#1254 Old Yesterday at 9:54 PM
Quote: Originally posted by bassoon_crazy
The subscription is the most likely outcome in my eyes. So many things these days are becoming subscriptions. I miss the days I could just, I don't know, own something.

Totally 1000 percent agree with this!
Field Researcher
#1255 Old Today at 3:45 AM
Exactly. People can complain about TS3 Store as much as they want, but here's the thing: it's entirely optional! Thing is, you can still have a LOT of fun with Sims 3 as is without getting extra store content. But with Sims 4, you can buy literally every pack/kit/whatever and you still get bored within five minutes, if that long...that is, assuming, it doesn't break the game even more.

And I agree about subscriptions. There's nothing that isn't this day and age. I miss when programs like Photoshop, etc were just a one time payment and you actually owned it. I wouldn't be surprised if EA goes down the subscription route as well.
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