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#1 Old 24th Jan 2024 at 12:21 AM
get parents mod?
does anyone have a link to the get parents mod? i believe it was on simbology(?) but that site no longer exists i think.

along with the link, could someone explain to me what the mod does? i want to play a household with no parents, just teens and children. i was told that there's an issue with homework that occurs when your household has children but no parents and that i should get this mod for that issue, but i don't know what the mod itself actually does. is it just a fix mod or does it add other things?

thanks in advance
Field Researcher
#2 Old 24th Jan 2024 at 1:18 AM
Should be over here: tunaisafish_fix_getparents.rar @ SimFileShare. As for what it does, taken directly form the Readme, and only edited for formatting:
Quote: Originally posted by tunaisafish
Fixes a global function that has been broken since The Sims 2 base game. EA attempted to fix it in Apartment Life, but just introduced another bug.

  • When only one parent is found, no longer leaves garbage data in the second slot. (All games)
  • When the first parent is missing, will continue to look for a second parent. (Base to FT)
  • When no parents are present, will no longer substitute random objects in their place (AL+)
  • When both parents are present, the same parent will not always be favoured over the other.
The function is used in many situations in the game to find the parents of a toddler, child or teen. Some of the reasons it is used is to find:-
  • who a toddler decides to follow.
  • who a child cheers at when getting a good school grade.
  • who NPC's like the social worker, police officer or headmaster will interact with.
  • who the Butler decides is the Employer.
As the function sometimes returned garbage, then weird bugs would happen such as a child thinking that it is the offspring of a driveway or window. After AL, that made families with no adults present a pain to play. If you hit the bug once, you'd be likely to keep hitting it again and again. For other families, the conditions necessary to hit the bugs would be rare, and have varied effects depending on how the garbage data was used.

While fixing the bugs, I noticed that the functions that called this would always favour the first parent. So, as a bonus, when both parents are found, there is now a 50/50 chance of one of them being chosen first for the interaction. The first parent returned used to be the one made first in game. So one parent in every family used to be followed more, cheered at more, etc...

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"Ew, trees [WooHoo-ing]."

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Original Poster
#3 Old 24th Jan 2024 at 2:12 AM
Quote: Originally posted by G-Mon
Should be over here: tunaisafish_fix_getparents.rar @ SimFileShare. As for what it does, taken directly form the Readme, and only edited for formatting:

thank you so much! <3
Mad Poster
#4 Old 24th Jan 2024 at 1:12 PM
Quote: Originally posted by G-Mon
While fixing the bugs, I noticed that the functions that called this would always favour the first parent. So, as a bonus, when both parents are found, there is now a 50/50 chance of one of them being chosen first for the interaction. The first parent returned used to be the one made first in game. So one parent in every family used to be followed more, cheered at more, etc...

I wonder if anyone made it so the parent the child had the better relationship with was the one chosen.
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