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#1 Old 7th Sep 2014 at 5:43 AM
Default Hoping someone will help me here! Thanks! - Transparent Clothing
I'v been making Sims 4 CC for a bit now and think I've figured out how the tools and maps work fairly well but I would really like to do transparent items too. I can't seem to figure it out though. I was wondering if someone could make a tutorial on it or just message me how to do it. Thanks so much I hope I get some help I would really appreciate it!
Lab Assistant
#2 Old 7th Sep 2014 at 8:53 AM
Generally you just edit the texture's alpha channel. How you do that depends on your image editing program. In Gimp I usually just use the eraser to 'clear' an area of the texture. There can be wrinkles in the process with stuff from the normal map/specular map and 'shadow map' interfering.
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