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Lab Assistant
#426 Old 17th Sep 2013 at 10:05 AM
This is really what Dragon Valley should have been, had EA done a decent job. I have no idea why that disappears though, wish I could help :/
dodgy builder
#427 Old 17th Sep 2013 at 10:50 AM
Quote: Originally posted by jje1000
Okay, so I was slightly incorrect in saying that the world is done- one issue popped up!

The wall segment in this section no longer shows up even once the lot's loaded. Anyone know how to fix this- it only showed up once I built the basement.

It's looking very nice indeed. The wallsegmant thing may have to do with floorlevel, my suggestion would be to lift it a bit so you have it "above" ground. I haven't really been paying attention here, so I may be miles off

Ops ... perhaps that thing is connected to the world? Then I would probably get the basement out of the way, much easier probably.
Test Subject
#428 Old 17th Sep 2013 at 11:57 AM
Installing world
Hi! Sorry for being such a noob but I have problem with installing your (beautiful) world. Few days ago I installed CC Magic and I am still not sure how to use it. Anyway, the world is in CC Magic launcher selected as enabled so I guess it's installed but it is not showing in my game... I also tried to convert it into package file and put in mods folder but there was not effect too- I can't find world in my game Please, help me! (Sorry for my English. I hope that what I wrote makes sense )
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#429 Old 17th Sep 2013 at 4:41 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Morticia72
Hi! Sorry for being such a noob but I have problem with installing your (beautiful) world. Few days ago I installed CC Magic and I am still not sure how to use it. Anyway, the world is in CC Magic launcher selected as enabled so I guess it's installed but it is not showing in my game... I also tried to convert it into package file and put in mods folder but there was not effect too- I can't find world in my game Please, help me! (Sorry for my English. I hope that what I wrote makes sense )

You'll need to use the main game installer to install the world, I think.
#430 Old 17th Sep 2013 at 7:07 PM
Quote: Originally posted by jje1000
Anyone know how to fix this- it only showed up once I built the basement.

No promises but try reloading the game and hood. This has made WA walls reappear in the past.

Can't find stuff in build and buy mode? http://www.nexusmods.com/thesims3/mods/1/?
Test Subject
#431 Old 18th Sep 2013 at 12:10 PM
Wooo! This seems what exactly I was looking for! Currently downloading, and hoping to use for my latest story project. I was using Edenshire, but Pravaan looks loads better!
dodgy builder
#432 Old 18th Sep 2013 at 12:55 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Morticia72
Hi! Sorry for being such a noob but I have problem with installing your (beautiful) world. Few days ago I installed CC Magic and I am still not sure how to use it. Anyway, the world is in CC Magic launcher selected as enabled so I guess it's installed but it is not showing in my game... I also tried to convert it into package file and put in mods folder but there was not effect too- I can't find world in my game Please, help me! (Sorry for my English. I hope that what I wrote makes sense )

Not everything can be made into package files. I've seen several warnings not to make worlds into package files. If it's not showing it maybe a warning you should take seriously. Do you have all the exp and stuff packs needed? If you feel adventurous you may be able to install it in your game files by copying from the DCBackup folder. Unless you have tons of files in there, it may be easy to find.
Test Subject
#433 Old 20th Sep 2013 at 5:00 PM
Thank you guys for your replies, I installed it finally via launcher and it works I must say, this world is AMAZING! I love it! And it's really huge.
Lab Assistant
#434 Old 23rd Sep 2013 at 8:54 PM
jje1000 CHECK THE FILE DATES ON ROBUST ARCHES in you game! http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=434335
The ones in my game where NOT the newest files

These were one of the arches that needed replaced on opening the world and then worked fine.
I have been working through all my CC so don't know if I accidentally stuck in an old file or if these were from my Praaven CC file for building in the world.
#435 Old 24th Sep 2013 at 6:50 PM
^ ^ Let me guess, the old ones were from before Pets? That would explain some errors I reckon.

Can't find stuff in build and buy mode? http://www.nexusmods.com/thesims3/mods/1/?
Lab Assistant
#436 Old 28th Sep 2013 at 8:13 PM
Quote: Originally posted by tizerist
^ ^ Let me guess, the old ones were from before Pets? That would explain some errors I reckon.

I had an out dated pre-pets file for the heavy wooden arches in my game.

However keep in mind this does not mean jje1000 does or that I was using an out dated file when I was building the lots where I used this arch. I posted as a precaution only to check. I have changed patch level 2x since working on and testing in this world and moved tons of CC in and out of my game. So it is possible I put an old file in from the wrong back up folder. . rather than from the most current Praaven folder where i keep all the CC that goes with the world. You see the problem; too many back up folders! Which is why I started checking dates and deleting all the old stuff, and how I caught I had the old file in my game.

I actually was hoping that WAS the issue and that with the new file theses arches would not need to be deleted and replaced with the same arch when the world was exported in order for sims to go through them. I think it is possible, but it seemed to me the issue was connected to them being placed with the move object on cheat.

However I also strongly suspect the medieval arch with the same issue has not been updated to pets patch level.
Test Subject
#437 Old 25th Oct 2013 at 1:49 PM
Please repost the download link. The links in this thread are broken and I would like to reinstall this wonderful world.
Veteran Finn
retired moderator
#438 Old 25th Oct 2013 at 3:01 PM
Good heavens 17mars, edit your previous post if you have more to add, since no one's posted in between!


Original poster has not posted in this thread for over a month now, so give them time. When they need more Beta testing etc, they will let you know. Rushing the creator, demanding for files etc. is not going to make this world be done any faster.

Unless you (this means anyone) actually have some feedback to post about this world, don't post in this thread before the original poster/word creator posts an update, thanks!
Field Researcher
#439 Old 8th Nov 2013 at 9:30 AM
Would like to second 17mars on the download link, this world is perfect. Anyone else who has it on their computer and could upload it would be welcome too, if that's allowed according to forum rules.

(()) Pass the ribbon around if you know someone that
//\\ has survived, died, or is living with cancer..

Grandpa Joost 1996 †
Test Subject
#440 Old 8th Nov 2013 at 4:09 PM Last edited by armiel : 9th Nov 2013 at 9:25 AM.
I almost hate posting again - just call me a pest - but this is the latest link and it is now working again:
Click the part in the middle that says "to download."
I don't believe it has the objects in it though. I already had the objects installed from and earlier version. Check the first posts for the objects list to download separately.


Moderator note:
Post restored, per PM.
Veteran Finn
retired moderator
#441 Old 8th Nov 2013 at 7:14 PM Last edited by armiel : 23rd Nov 2013 at 8:20 AM.
Alright, I'm locking this down.

I can see original poster has been active on the forum, and has not replied to this thread for a long time. They can ask a moderator to reopen it for feedback, when they have more to add to the process.


Thread reopened as per request by the original poster.
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#442 Old 23rd Nov 2013 at 8:39 AM Last edited by jje1000 : 27th Dec 2013 at 11:52 PM.
Hey everyone,

The final testing version should be located here:

New link: https://www.mediafire.com/?cgdlrf7i8bahf8y

It contains everything you need for the world to function properly, excluding the rabbitholes from Jynx. Some small changes to ensure that routing works properly for IP.

Mad Poster
Original Poster
#443 Old 25th Nov 2013 at 2:27 AM
I think at this point, with the exception of updated lots for Supernatural and Seasons, the world is essentially complete.
Lab Assistant
#444 Old 25th Nov 2013 at 6:41 PM Last edited by lowrisim : 25th Nov 2013 at 6:51 PM.
It says i can get the download for free with a 20 sec wait... but then when i push that button it wants me to log in with one of my social networks to get the file. Sorry not willing to give them any info about me.

So is this how this is suppose to work or am I missing something?

edit: oops that might sound grumpier than is... so real question is do I need this file to work on the festival lots or can I do them on the old file?

also required EP, SP, and patch version for this final version would be helpful so know if the result we get from testing are valid issues or the result of not having the proper Ep's or patch level
#445 Old 25th Nov 2013 at 6:55 PM
^ ^ After 20 seconds it says 'download file'. Just click that.

Jje1000, I'm rolling up my sleeves, putting the kettle on, and going to travel back in time, as if the future wasn't fun enough :/
Thanks, this cold monday seems a bit better now

Can't find stuff in build and buy mode? http://www.nexusmods.com/thesims3/mods/1/?
Lab Assistant
#446 Old 25th Nov 2013 at 7:43 PM
@tizerist So it's just me. Waited 20 sec. It does not count down. It stays grey. and when clicked on takes to a pop up that wants me to log in via social media. Perhaps you are logged in?

So glad you are testing!
#447 Old 25th Nov 2013 at 8:02 PM
Actually yes I am logged in. It's worth it to sign up.

Can't find stuff in build and buy mode? http://www.nexusmods.com/thesims3/mods/1/?
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#448 Old 25th Nov 2013 at 11:14 PM Last edited by jje1000 : 26th Nov 2013 at 1:52 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by tizerist
Actually yes I am logged in. It's worth it to sign up.

I just signed up back then the traditional way. Username, password, confirm password- no need for any of the social networking nonsense.

Edit: Updated with an alternative download link.
Lab Assistant
#449 Old 26th Nov 2013 at 11:41 PM Last edited by lowrisim : 27th Nov 2013 at 3:07 AM. Reason: typos and such
Default festival lots
jje100 - Just a few pictures to see if we are thinking at all alike about these lots

this is a rough idea of the color, layout and direction of Northern Tournament grounds Spring festival.

I like the "nectar tent" color, layout, location. rest is just very rough. As this festival is put on in part by the nectar making monks I thought it made sense to have a nectar tent.

I put in a "food stand" with cash box.. but also put in the spring food stand with is very out of place. I want the seasonal food items, but not sure how to disguise it as any build objects would be there all year round

kiss booth, pie eating, and face painting are included and "blend" better

put in a stall with a general store cash box as well.

what about spring photo booth, spring dance floor, fencing to keep horses out main festival area and rest rooms

any thoughts.. ??

I will work on it more tonight and tomorrow
#450 Old 27th Nov 2013 at 3:56 AM
Quote: Originally posted by lowrisim
I put in a "food stand" with cash box.. but also put in the spring food stand with is very out of place. I want the seasonal food items, but not sure how to disguise it as any build objects would be there all year round...

Sandy at ATS has made these: http://www.aroundthesims3.com/objec...wntown_31.shtml
I could have sworn there was an outhouse type item in game, maybe in buy debug, but that may be part of the Island Paradise expansion.

Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupid.
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