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#26 Old 30th Oct 2009 at 5:25 PM
I was a vegetarian for a year but became really sick... so I switched back to meat. Most of the time I only eat seafood, though.
#27 Old 30th Oct 2009 at 5:29 PM
I'm a vegatarian for long, first going on less meat around 15, now I don't eat any meat anymore. Though a small amount of meat might be healthier I see no good in eating animals breeded in the bio industry. I like the french fries in MdDonalds a lot, so indirectly once in a while do support a company like that , but every animal eaten less is one.

I don't have much problems with animals shot or caught in the wild, its the way they are treated when grown for food that I don't like. Humans don't need the ridiculous amounts of meat eaten now, the way they are produced etc. I'd go vegan if my health weren't so dang shitty.

I'm not hostile to not-vegetarians, everyone their choice what they do with their life.

However when people comment on stupid peta actions like letting minks free, which are breed for fur "oh the poor animals, so bad they are breeded for fur", while eating loads of meat, they can expect some comment. They have a double standard.

"When the moon is in the seventh house
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The other one
Original Poster
#28 Old 30th Oct 2009 at 5:45 PM
Have you stopped disclaimers?

Guys, rules are good! Rules help control the fun. ~ Monica E. Geller
Field Researcher
#29 Old 30th Oct 2009 at 6:31 PM
I'm a veggie and have been my whole life (thanks to my parents) I've never eaten a single bit of meat and I'm fit as a fiddle well apart from other things I inflict on myself but still it annoys me when people who aren't veggie/vegans say that we're always ill, it's so not true I'm ill perhaps once a year generally when it gets colder and thats it. I don't eat the best foods health wise being a student and all whatever is quick and easy is good!!I am a sucker for junk food but I have no deficiencies in anything. I also feel no need to eat meat, especially bacon which EVERYONE bangs on about, i'm fine how I am, I know eating out can be a little tricky but its got much better especially in london there are so many places!!
Now when people say why are you veggie I find it hard to answer because well it is just something that is natural for me. I like animals and I hate the cruelty some of them go through, but then I think if my parents hadn't brought me up this way would I choose to be a veggie or would I turn a blind eye like other people?

My Sims 3 Creations
Nothing matters. We're essentially all highly evolved monkeys clinging to a rock that's falling through space and the rock itself is dying. Frankie Boyle.
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The other one
Original Poster
#30 Old 30th Oct 2009 at 6:45 PM
Quote: Originally posted by sammann89
...I've never eaten a single bit of meat ......I feel no need to eat meat, especially bacon which EVERYONE bangs on about

hmm....I don't think this is coincedence

Guys, rules are good! Rules help control the fun. ~ Monica E. Geller
Field Researcher
#31 Old 30th Oct 2009 at 6:50 PM
Quote: Originally posted by missroxor
hmm....I don't think this is coincedence

haha what is exactly so good about bacon?? personally the smell of it cooking makes me gag ergh :shudder:

My Sims 3 Creations
Nothing matters. We're essentially all highly evolved monkeys clinging to a rock that's falling through space and the rock itself is dying. Frankie Boyle.
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#32 Old 30th Oct 2009 at 6:55 PM
I hate the smell of bacon cooking, but it tastes soooooo nice. A rich salty savoury flavour with a lot of complexity to it - almost sweet elements and a bit of smokiness too. I don't think it's something I can really explain how awesome it is - you could try bacon salt for a hint of its goodness (meat-free and kosher, though pales in comparison to the real thing) to get an idea of what the flavour is like.

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Undead Molten Llama
#33 Old 30th Oct 2009 at 7:00 PM
I eat food. I'm pretty adventurous with food, am quite "famous" in my circle of friends for going to strange restaurants where I eat things I can't pronounce and have no clue about the ingredients. I have eaten ants and tarantulas. I like haggis, as missroxor knows. About the only thing I won't eat is fish or seafood because they make me gag.

But mostly, on not-eating-out/not-traveling days, for my normal daily diet, I eat plants, as someone else said. Occasionally, I have chicken, but not often. I'm not really a huge fan of red meat at all, but I do like bacon on occasion. And I do have a passion for eggs which our lovely flock of hens of various breeds produce quite well for us. Some of the eggs are green (The shells, not the insides! ) They lay more eggs than we can eat. I also cannot live without cheese of all kinds. So, I guess I can be classified as mostly ovo-lacto vegetarian with occasional forays into chicken and bacon and exotic things I can neither pronounce nor identify. For me, it's not a moral thing or even a health thing. It's just what I've grown to like over the course of my life. Plus, I'm lazy and it seems faster to me to cook things that don't involve meat.

The appeal of bacon: The saltiness combined with the fattiness, for me. But I like it rather well-done, so that the fat isn't chewy anymore. I'm not fond of chewy-fat texture. :p

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Field Researcher
#34 Old 30th Oct 2009 at 7:04 PM
Quote: Originally posted by HystericalParoxysm
I hate the smell of bacon cooking, but it tastes soooooo nice. A rich salty savoury flavour with a lot of complexity to it - almost sweet elements and a bit of smokiness too. I don't think it's something I can really explain how awesome it is - you could try bacon salt for a hint of its goodness (meat-free and kosher, though pales in comparison to the real thing) to get an idea of what the flavour is like.

Interesting, I may try bacon salt thing just to see what everyone loves about it!

My Sims 3 Creations
Nothing matters. We're essentially all highly evolved monkeys clinging to a rock that's falling through space and the rock itself is dying. Frankie Boyle.
Just call me sam its easier.
Forum Resident
#35 Old 30th Oct 2009 at 7:14 PM
Quote: Originally posted by missroxor
what's with the breakfast sandwiches? This is the second time in a couple of days someone on these forums has mentioned having sandwiches in the morning. That's absurd! Sandwiches are strictly for lunch or snacks in my opinion.

Why can't I have a sandwich for breakfast? It's the simplest thing to make when you're in a hurry. I don't get these cultural restrictions....
What do you eat then? And don't tell me croissants... ugh. lol
If you say 'toasts' well that's a sandwich too :P

Btw what I like about bacon is the smokiness... generally everything smoked is .. nomnomnom! It's really one of the things I missed most when I went veg.
#36 Old 30th Oct 2009 at 8:02 PM
er... i eat both meat and veggies. but veggies AND meat not as much as grains. D: because theyre cheap and im poor...

but i do mostly enjoy meat type dishes when i can pick between veggies and meat. though i dont like meat on pizza for some reason. it just doesnt sit right. T_T

for breakfast, its usually just peppermint tea [ 2 cups a day, every day ] or hot cocoa, since im not the type of person who has a morning appetite. if anything, im mostly just hungry around the evening hours...and i eat when im hungry, and dont when im not. ^_^

for lunch, maybe a sandwich or toast. nothing major.

dinner is when the fun starts. xD
i prefer fettuccine [ with or without chicken <3 ], but will go for burritos [ the kind you get frozen, only i melt cheese on top and add sour cream after its done ], rice pudding [ with cinnamon on top-- MMMMMMMM ], or roast chicken/chicken thighs in chinese marinade.

salads are for the days i feel like mind numbing amounts of gameplay. xD i force myself to eat stuff like broccoli, since its great [ and has cancer kicking abilities ] for my body, but i have no problem with stuff like mashed potatoes [ actually, those are my fav next to chicken and steak ].

steak and hamburger arent things i have very often, though. its usually grain or a mix of grain and veggies. D:

i think i have the best diet for someone of my height/body build/genetic predispositions. who says being poor is such a bad thing?

and apparently my fiber intake is sufficient, since i never have a tough time on the toilet. no idea where im getting it from, lol, but hey. it works.

"The more you know, the sadder you get."~ Stephen Colbert
"I'm not going to censor myself to comfort your ignorance." ~ Jon Stewart
Versigtig, ek's nog steeds fokken giftig
Field Researcher
#37 Old 30th Oct 2009 at 8:32 PM
Quote: Originally posted by missroxor
Who are you to decide such a thing? I didn't say I was going to, I even said I didn't have enough hatred of killing animals to give me the required drive and will power I just mean that although I eat meat, most of what I eat is veggie already so it wouldn't be a huge leap. I don't think I could ever go vegan, sounds too boring to me.

I didn't know about hormones but there's no need to patronize (that's how it comes off to me anyways) I know about animal cruelty in other forms. I was a member of CAPS (Captive Animals Protection Society) for years and to this day refuse to visit a zoo or circus. I'm against unneccessary cruelty, I do have a heart afterall. It's not gonna save the world, I know but every little helps, doesn't it?

Anyway, there is no rule that says you can only be vegetarian if you go off and learn about how animals are killed and prepared...or is there some sort of exam that I don't know about? Even people that don't give a crap about animals can be veggies. As you say, everyone has their own motives.

I never decided lol just from reading your post,how you said animals are meant to be killed for humans food.That does not sound like someone who is ready to go vegetarian/vegan.

Boring? I didn't know eating meat is fun I'm so missing out.
I never knew eating food was suppose to be fun since you call veggie eating boring.
Lab Assistant
#38 Old 30th Oct 2009 at 8:39 PM
I've been a vegetarian for only a couple weeks now. I've always loved animals and since I did a presentation on animals rights I couldn't get their cute faces out of my head when eating meat which is why I stopped.
I still prepare meat dishes for others and I intend to feed my children meat, too, until they're old enough to decides for themselves.
My mother in law told me that instead of not eating any meat at all, I could also only buy it from little farms where animals are not kept in mass stocks, but this isn't enough. It may sound stupid but I don't want animals to die for me anymore. I like them too much
Field Researcher
#39 Old 30th Oct 2009 at 8:52 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Neerie
Humans are omnivores, and I don't plan to go any other way anytime soon

I love eating meat and fish, I love eating legumes, I love eating fruits and veggies, I love dairy products, and I love grains. I honnestly have no idea how I would be able to live without all the variety of food that is available to me. I love eating, I love cooking.

Does that mean that I absolutely need to eat meat every single meal or so? Absolutely not. I've actually complained about that when I was still living with my mother and her boyfriend. He can not concieve a meal [that is not breakfast, and even then, bacon and ham anytime he could if possible] without meat. Now I can enjoy a good legume or pasta salad, or a quiche, or a tomato pie, anytime I want, and then eat liver pâté on my bagel the next morning if I want to

On a side note, I just wanted to mention something about the growth hormones used in raising cattle and other animals for consumption comment. I'd say that unless one is also going totally organic, using this as an argument, to me anyway, does not really seem valid. After all, non organic veggies are sprayed so much with chemical plant food, pesticides and herbicides, that it sounds just as bad at the hormones to me.

#40 Old 30th Oct 2009 at 9:07 PM
Breakfast sandwich = egg and cheese on a bagel. Perfect breakfast! Throw in some ham or bacon for extra meatness.
#41 Old 30th Oct 2009 at 9:14 PM
Quote: Originally posted by coltraz
I think Michael Pollan's simple guideline: "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.", is a pretty good set of rules to live by.

I know I've never eaten meat, but this is how I think eating meat should be. I have a friend who eats some form of meat for every single meal. I know that meat-eaters consider it to be the main part of meals (at least this is what she tells me), but then when she complains about her health and how she's fatter than the rest of us, I kind of want to say "You eat a massive chunk of meat drenched in some sort of cheese and balanced on a piece of bread every day for lunch, what do you expect?!" I guess that view is sort of old-fashioned though, like when meat used to be really expensive so you'd only have it once or possible twice a week.

I don't know, I feel the same way about cheese for myself though ! I definitely need to cut down on having it in so many meals, it's just so unhealthy!

"Your life was a liner I voyaged in."
#42 Old 30th Oct 2009 at 9:38 PM
Quote: Originally posted by BewitchedPrue
I have a friend who eats some form of meat for every single meal. I know that meat-eaters consider it to be the main part of meals (at least this is what she tells me)...

Well, I am a meat-eater and I can go two or three days without any meat, so it's certainly not a part of my every single meal. Thought it might be interesting how Parma ham would go together with my morning yoghurt with strawberries and cereals

But the truth is, if I'm more than three days without any meat, I get grumpy, snappy, tired, depressed and feel neglected. Feed me a steak and I'm happy as a puppy.
#43 Old 30th Oct 2009 at 9:38 PM
I've been a vegetarian for 3 years now and I'm loving it! I informed my parents I was going veggie as soon as I found out what meat was, but they took many years of convinving! I love animals and find the whole thought of eating them pretty vile/rather sinister. I like vegan principals, but so long as chocolate exists that's not happening.
#44 Old 30th Oct 2009 at 9:49 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Oprah
But the truth is, if I'm more than three days without any meat, I get grumpy, snappy, tired, depressed and feel neglected. Feed me a steak and I'm happy as a puppy.

That's funny, I get exactly the same way with cheese!

"Your life was a liner I voyaged in."
#45 Old 30th Oct 2009 at 9:59 PM
As it was stated before, humans are omnivores and I'm happily omnivorous like I'm supposed to be. Those that claim to be 100% herbivorous(absolutely no meat, products made from animals etc) and 100% carnivorous(no fruits or veggies) have less healthy diets than those that are a mix of the two. While everyone is free to eat whatever they want, humans are omnivorous we're built to eat both meat and plants.
Test Subject
#46 Old 30th Oct 2009 at 10:48 PM
I need my meat and I need my vegetables I can't restrict myself from either one the benefits is I can eat anything I want as much as I want XD
Rogue Redeemer
retired moderator
#47 Old 30th Oct 2009 at 11:22 PM
I used to be a vegetarian for 3 years, mainly because I don't like anything related to mass production, especially when the product is something living, feeling and thinking. And there's also the global warming thingy. Meat consumption has skyrocketed these days, and it's no good for the environment.

But, since I still live with my parents, who want to eat meat every day, it really made no sense that I got meals made of different ingredients that had to be bought in addition to their food supplies. And I don't really like the taste of meat nor fish.. So when I'll get my own life and do my own grocery-shopping, I'll definitely be a vegetarian.

Also, my muscles simply disappeared since I didn't know how to properly replace the protein I used to get from the meat.

The ideal situation, in my opinion, for the western world would be that meat wouldn't be eaten every day, for example, you could eat a veggie dish once or twice a week. And the organic meat should be chosen more often.
The other one
Original Poster
#48 Old 30th Oct 2009 at 11:43 PM
Quote: Originally posted by christx101
I never decided lol just from reading your post,how you said animals are meant to be killed for humans food.That does not sound like someone who is ready to go vegetarian/vegan.

Boring? I didn't know eating meat is fun I'm so missing out.
I never knew eating food was suppose to be fun since you call veggie eating boring.

As I said before, I never said I had plans to become a vegetarian or vegan, just that I can quite happily go without meat for ages as I like a lot of veggie food.

I also never said veggie food was boring (hence why I eat a lot of it), if you read it again you will see that I said I could never be a VEGAN because I find their diet boring (No offence to vegans, it's just not for me). I'm sorry you don't enjoy the food you eat, I do enjoy mine.

LemonCandy It just seems such a bizarre concept to me. As bizarre as someone saying they have a strawberry sundae for their main meal of the day The only sandwich I would ever have for breakfast is a bacon sandwich, maybe fried egg but since I'm trying to be healthier I probably wouldn't even do that now. I don't generally eat croissants for breakfast, I'm not French For me 'normal' breakfast is buttered toast and cup of tea or cereal with milk if I'm in a hurry. If I have more time like on a day off I have either scrambled egg on toast or Granola with mixed berries and yoghurt. Oh yeah, If I'm at my Mum's in Scotland then it's usually porridge with milk or a rather unhealthy fry-up inc black pudding of course

PS I hate anything smoked, only non-smoked bacon for me and I'm not keen on the fatty bits either, I grill them crispy :D

Guys, rules are good! Rules help control the fun. ~ Monica E. Geller
Mad Poster
#49 Old 30th Oct 2009 at 11:55 PM
For me and various health reasons, being a vegetarian is somewhat out of the question until I can actually manage to get back into the routine of taking iron tablets. I have low iron levels as it is, and after I talked to my doctor about becoming a vegetarian I found out that at this point it wouldn't be healthy for me as my iron levels would most likely drop due to the fact that I've gotten out of the habit of taking tablets with meals.
My three best friends are all vegetarian, all of them by choice. One of them became a vegetarian when she was 5, another when she was 12, and the other only earlier this year. I also have a friend who is a vegan, and has been since the end of last year.
The hardest part about being a vegetarian for me would be because I live with a family who absolutely love meat dishes. I would be cooking my own meals all the time, which I don't mind, but I have a lot of school work which would mean that all my meals would be rushed. I'm hoping that by the new year I will be able to be in my routine of tablets so I can go vegetarian.
Eating meat didn't bother me for a very long time until one night when I was making dinner for the family and I was making a chicken stir fry. I was cutting up the chicken when suddenly I felt revulsion creeping up my throat at the fact that I was cutting an animal which had once been alive, and ever since then I've refused to cook with meat.
Forum Resident
#50 Old 31st Oct 2009 at 12:22 AM
I am not a 'vegetarian', but I eat very little meat. Not because certain meats are fatty (although that is a bonus), or because I have a problem with eating an animal, but I just dislike the taste, and prefer vegetarian options.

My diet consists mainly of grains, fruit and veggies. I also avoid dairy, not because of any particular belief, but because my body can't digest milk proteins easilly. I have soy milk, lactose free margarine, and haven't eaten cheese for ages (which is a shame because I love soft cheeses). If my family is making a meal with a side of meat, I skip it and have an extra portion of veggies. I do eat a little meat- small bits of chicken or pork where they are disguised in meals, and I eat salmon, and other types of sea food occasionally (mainly prawns & squid), but it's not very often. I take vitamins and iron to make up for what I'm not getting in my diet, but if I'm feeling a bit flat, I might have some kangaroo, as it is very lean.

If I had to make a choice between making a change to full vegetarianism or a full meat eater, I would choose vegetarianism all the way. I don't think I would ever become vegan, as I would miss my honey too much! I also have no problem with people whose diets go either way. One of my best friends is a full vegetarian, while the other eats meat with every meal. Australia, which is very much a meat eating country, is slowly becoming more vegetarian and vegan friendly, especially with the number of immigrants and refugees we are recieving, and I find most people respectful of others choices, and many are very accomodating to vegetarian requests.
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