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#1 Old 17th Dec 2015 at 3:30 PM
Default If you have bad lag ISLAND PARADISE might be your problem
Do you have Island Paradise as your town? I bought a brand new Alienware x51 computer and the game kept freezing every second or two. I tried all sorts of things to fix my game, but then I read that the Island Paradise town causes tons of lag as all the sims get into boats constantly. I copied and pasted all my sims into another town and now it runs smooth as silk.
Top Secret Researcher
#3 Old 18th Dec 2015 at 3:25 PM
Agree with nitromon (who must have the patience of a saint) on the assessment. Hats off to you
The only other way around this that I know is to use Ellacharmed's Fixed World which fixes most of the routing issues. I gave up on using IP and have been playing Enekjaer Island IP over at Fagersims. A smaller version of IP but with all the flavor and no routing issues.
#4 Old 19th Dec 2015 at 2:58 AM
Yeah I am pretty sure I am going to uninstall this pack, while I like the idea the fact is that before I installed it I had the game running pretty smoothly and now it's freezing and crashing all the time and it takes three times as long to load up a game as it did before, and I have checked it's not the windows 7 updater this time. This pack, like so many other games EA releases feels rushed out the door and completely unfinished and I don't feel like putting the hours of work into it that it would take to get it running right and I don't think anyone should have to, this expansion pack came out at the retail price of $40, that is what I used to pay for a brand new game when I was kid, for that price that could have bug checked the thing. As paying clients it shouldn't be up to us to finish programing and debugging the game for EA. if they want to release early beta or alpha builds instead of finished products and leave it to us to fix any problems that pop up fine, but then they software should never cost more then five to ten bucks, if anything they should be paying us since we are in fact working for EA at this point and finishing the game for them.

If EA sold anything other then computer games every executive who works there would be behind bars. for fraud. Can you imagine what would happen if Ford sold you a new car and then told you that you have to pay them another twenty thousand dollars for brakes, and you have to instal them yourself, and what is more the breaks you are buying are not made to work with your model car, it's also up to you to figure out how to modify them so they will work with your car? Not only would no one be defending them, but they would be charged with a crime and people would spend time in jail. Well EA gets away with this sort of thing every day. I really hope at some point we get some law makers who use computers in our government and they start passing laws making this sort of fraud a crime, because that is what it is and market forces are not working to stop it so laws that force software companies to bug test products before release are the only way we will ever see a working piece of software released at any point in the future. No one makes working software any more because EA has shown that there is no downside to releasing games in the alpha or beta phase, as long as they have a logo people like on them you will make billions. So IMO it's time for the law to step in and put a stop to this nonsense. if they want me to bug test and fix their game for me then they can put me on the payroll, I sure as hell am not paying them for tricking me into working for them.

I don't think the mob or drug dealers have ever been nearly as shady as EA and pretty much every publisher of video games on the planet has gotten lately. At least when you pay the mod protection money you get what you paid for, protection from other gangs, with companies like Ea you are lucky if you get anything in exchange for your money. Every game I have bought since 2006 has been a broken and unfinished mess, for both PCs and consoles so I am done with modern gaming, it is a con game and nothing more. When I was a kid a game was expected to work when you bought it and if it didn't you were allowed to return it and get you money back and the company went under, that doesn't happen any more so there is no reason for any game company to ever release a product that works. Games now cost more then ever and we are expected to do the job of debugging them or just not write off the hundred or so bucks we paid for the new game. This is the reason I am done with modern games and I think we will see another crash in the near future, just like we saw in 83, because games just are not a good value for your money any more. It's sad but that is the point I have come to, I have given up on the idea that these companies can or will turn themselves around and I have completely given up on the modern version of something I have done since the days of the Vectrex, It has taken a lot to get me to this point but that is where I stand. I think the only thing that can save gaming is for it to completely crash and go away as a pass time for a decade or so, that is the only way these problems will be fix.

It's a sad fact of life, but I don't see it getting fixed any other way, and I used to like EA back in the 90s and early 2000s, talk about sad

My PC specs.
Windows 7 64 bit,AMD FX 4300 quad core processor, 8 gigs DDR3 ram, 1 gig Geforce 9500 graphics card, patch 1.67.2
Every time I reinstall the game I run it clean without any CC, not even the store bought stuff so it isn't CC or mods that cause me trouble.
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Original Poster
#5 Old 20th Dec 2015 at 1:55 AM
Yeah for everyone who does not want to waste countless hours moving stuff around, just use a different town like sunset valley. You can still do the things in the expansion like go boating.
Test Subject
#6 Old 23rd Dec 2015 at 1:51 PM
I have all the sims games including island paradise, Not much lag. Your problem is most likely CC,Mods,Outdated game.
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