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#1 Old 8th Apr 2016 at 8:31 PM
In-Game-Music (Sims 2 Base Game)
Hey there everyone. I was just curious, is there a way to get a sim to play custom music on the Piano? Mind you, I only have the base game.

I was just curious, because I write music for the piano, and would love to hear my sims play some of my stuff.
#2 Old 8th Apr 2016 at 10:47 PM
You had a reply on another thread.

No. You cannot.

The drop off has been made. You've been warned.
Lab Assistant
#3 Old 8th Apr 2016 at 10:59 PM
Aw, that's a shame. That would be cool.
Mad Poster
#4 Old 8th Apr 2016 at 11:15 PM Last edited by gazania : 8th Apr 2016 at 11:29 PM.
There's at least a way you could do a custom station with your music ... kind of .... using the base game.

Take a music genre list with songs you simply don't want to listen to. I BELIEVE you can use a .wav file of your songs, but don't quote me on this. If not, you'll have to find some way to convert your music to MP3s. It's worth a try to give a .wav file a shot if that's all you've got. Back up your game in case I'm really leading you wrong.

Stick your music in the folder containing your unwanted genre. Let's say you can't stand pop music. In-game, find the pop music folder and uncheck all songs except yours. You might have to live with your songs being considered a genre you can't stand, but your music will at least be in the game.

It's not quite like playing it, but your Sims can at least appreciate it and do some weird dancing to it!


Thanks to ALL free-site creators, admins and mods.

RIP Sunni ... truly a ray of light.
Forum Resident
#5 Old 9th Apr 2016 at 8:34 PM
Considering that it's possible to make defaults for many other things, is it not possible to default game sounds? Has anyone ever tried?
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