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#1 Old 14th Mar 2014 at 9:56 AM
Funniest moments/events in the game?
Due to problems with my laptop's better graphics card, I recently dove back into The Sims, as this was the only game I could run on my integrated graphics chip.This brought back many fond memories of struggle, but even more of countless hours of entertainment. So I thought I'd start a thread to share some of the funniest things you have experienced with this game.

Although humor has always played a part in the series, I think Makin' Magic added the most hilarious moments, mainly when spells go wrong. My favorites are:
- The amulet for the perfect garden when you have gnomes in your garden. The gnomes go berserk and destroy all the plants (I admit I wasn't that amused by that at the time :P). When my sim tried to put a stop to the chaos, one of the gnomes kicked her against the shin. Unfortunately this was a long time ago and I lost all the pictures, but my sim hopping around on one leg is something I won't soon forget. The idea of berserk gnomes even impressed my mother, as I told her about it once and she still brings it up when I try to make her play the game (she likes gardening, so I guess angry gnomes destroying all her flowers is a personal nightmare )
- The fame amulet you can make when you have Superstar and an obsessed fan has left black roses for you. My self-sim struggled to get the last two stars she needed to reach the top, so I thought some magical help would be useful here. Apparently, though, the amulet can only raise your fame to 4 stars, which was the amount my sim already had. The result when she used the amulet? The entire room filled with obsessed fans! I watched in as much horror as my sim when they appeared all at once, but luckily they immediately left and did not stay to scream and drool and mutter like the annoying guy usually does.
- The very first amulet you can make and that changes your appearance. The instructions warn that nobody else should be present when the spell is cast, but when my friend had her sim do this she forgot about her butler. Turned out he counts as well. So, both the head of my friend's sim, the butler and Bella Goth who happened to be visiting got turned into a donkey's head. Quite a sight.
Mad Poster
#2 Old 14th Mar 2014 at 11:10 AM
My son liked to use the "move" cheat to take Sims out of the pool and have them swim through the grass.

I created a downtown restaurant called "Islands" consisting of small patches of land surrounded by pool or connected by small paths. On arrival downtown, guests had to swim to the podium, then they could walk to their seats through paths in the pools. To use the rest room, they had to swim. The kitchen was on it's own island, so the waitstaff would perform beautiful dives while holding the trays of food with one hand. Mrs. Crumplebottom would swim in her little grey pillbox hat, clutching her purse in front of her.

Addicted to The Sims since 2000.
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