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#1 Old 9th Nov 2011 at 7:28 PM
Default Not being able to visit custom secret vacation lot...
Hello! I've been working on a brand new custom neighborhood and I decided to make my own vacation hoods too. I built the hotels and the community lots and made my own locals in CAS. Then I searched for tutorials on how to make the secret lots and I found one, so I started working on the Witch Doctor's hut. I did everything that was on the tutorial: built the community lot (with the dishwasher, microwave, TV and hammock, among other things), saved it, rezoned it with "changelotzoning secretvacationlot" and put it in the lot bin. Now, at this point, I couldn't see my lot anymore (it wasn't in the bin!), so I wasn't able to place it back in the nh, as the tutorial indicated. However, I just assumed it would be hidden somewhere and off I went to send my Sims on a vacation!

After spending a whole lot of time digging for the right map, I sent them to a community lot, but the hut didn't even appear as an option! So I guess I must've done something wrong... I guess I could just play with the game's vacation nh, but I'd really like to build my own... Can somebody give me a hint here, please...?

Thank you so much!
#2 Old 9th Nov 2011 at 9:21 PM Last edited by appelsapgodin : 9th Nov 2011 at 11:40 PM.
You should not have put it in the bin as a secret-lot. If you want to keep it in the bin, you should just have it as a residential or community lot.

When you want to put the secret-lot in your hood you place that residential version in the hood wherever you want it. Enter and change it to a secret-lot, save and exit to hood. Then it is there as a secret-lot and stays there invisible in that spot to be used in game as it is meant. I usually put some easy to recognise neigbourhoodobject there too, so I know where it is located afterwards.

Edit: I don't really understand how you managed to put it in the bin after you used the cheat to change it to a secret lot, though.
Test Subject
Original Poster
#3 Old 10th Nov 2011 at 12:52 AM
Thank you SO much, it worked!!!!!!

The lot didn't really become invisible, though... That's how I managed to put it in the bin the first time - I could actually see it and pick it up! But I didn't think it was strange, because the tutorial actually mentioned that it would be visible the first time I exitted to neighborhood view... But then again, it was also mentioned in the same tutorial that I should place it in the bin - and look where that got me!!!

It doesn't really bother me that I can see it - I'll just place a lot of trees around it and that's it!!! My only concern is that the fact that it's visible might indicate that there's something wrong with it...

Anyway, for now I'm satisfied (thank you again!!!) - I'll just keep my fingers crossed and hope that this won't be the end of my freshly made new hood...!
#4 Old 10th Nov 2011 at 12:56 PM
It's been a while since I made a Uni-hood myself, so I don't know why yours won't become invisible. And I don't really remember if it took a while for it to become invisible in mine. But I am pretty sure it is invisible now and I have a pond sitting over it to indicate its place. (with a place neighbourhoodobjects on lots hack)

Glad I could help. Hope your hood won't implode. Otherwise I think you must just see it as a learning moment, I guess.
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