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Ella Manson, Part 7
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Warning: this story is a little more "PG-13" than the others!

Ella felt like the coolest girl in high school when she was with Ash. He made her feel special, important. Sure, her parents had always told her she was special and important ("but not too important to take out the trash"), but that was different! Parents were obligated to say those things, Ella figured, but when Ash told her she was pretty or fun to be with, she knew it must be true.

Sometimes he made her do things she didn't really want to, like sneak out at night to woohoo outside in the alley behind her parents' house.

Ella hated woohooing in the grass, because it itched!

Plus she secretly thought Ash looked a little comical when the streetlight was illuminating his face out there. Kind of like a crazed bull or rabid dog? Let's just put it this way: the lighting didn't work in his favor!

But, she figured if it made Ash like her more, then there was no point in causing an argument.

Besides, she had a feeling she knew what would happen if she were to refuse to woohoo...

...Ash wasn't one to take "no" for an answer.

But, despite all that, Ella loved him, and habitually counted the minutes until she'd see him again. She loved him because he made her feel good about herself.

Click Next: Ella Manson, Part 8 to continue...

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